
As a baker, if you are not currently running Ads on any social media platform...YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPAND YOUR CUSTOMER BASE

These are the steps she took that brought in the results she really wanted to see in her business

Step 1: She was skeptical at first.

Step 2: Eventually, she gave it a try, applied what she had learnt ran her first Ad. Wow! I totally love action takers.

Step 3: And then came my favourite part. The Results!

You want to get more orders for your baking business through Fbk & IG Ads but…

1. You have never sold online before and you have no idea how to go about it.

2. You have tried running Ads several times but none was profitable and you are afraid to try again

3. You have attended several FBK & IG Ad classes which were not so helpful because none of them addressed targeting for bakers.

4. You paid someone to setup your Ads and that too did not work

I feel your pain sweet baker. I want you to get your own share of the large volume of customers ready to buy baked products online

Which is why I am here to show you exactly how to create profitable Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Ads specifically designed to grow your customer base


The Facebook & Instagram Ads Training For Bakers is a 3-day Intensive 1:1 Training step by step easy to follow course specifically designed for bakers. This course would work for you even if you do not know anything about Ads.

It will help you put your business in the face of your prospective clients everyday using my SALES DRIVEN COMBO Strategy


1. Introduction

  • Introduction to Ads manager
  • Business manager and Ad account setup.

2. Objectives Analysis

  • Introduction to Facebook Ads Objectives
  • Suitable objectives to use for your business

3. Target Audience Analysis

  • Target audiences suitable for your business
  • How to create and save audiences

4. Ad Creative and Copy Analysis

  • Offer creation
  • Evaluation of Ad creatives (images/videos)
  • Generating a compelling Ad copy .

5. Budget and Schedule

  • Recommendations for budget and schedule.

6. Actual Ad setup demonstration

  • Ad setup demo from start to finish.

7. Ad approval and delivery

  • How to know when the Ad is approved
  • When to turn off non performing Ads.
8. Action Items and Next Steps
  • Summarize key takeaways and action points.

9. Q&A and Closing

10.  A 3-day Intensive 1:1 training + Exclusive Direct Access To Me Whenever You Need Assistance.

The Facebook & Instagram Ads
Course For Bakers Goes For

Price: $50

Fonis Cakes n More Wanted More People To Sign Up For Her Doughnuts Class

1. When she signed up for the Ads course for bakers, Fonis Cakes n More explained what she wanted to achieve with her Ad

2. I advised her accordingly and she went ahead to run the Ads herself with the tips I gave her

3. The Ad performed well and she got 21 payments as at the time of our conversation

Meet Neemah’s Cakery. I saw her beautiful Ad on FBK and I decided to ask her about it…

1. She was skeptical at first, but eventually decided to give it a try.

2. I was browsing through Facebook the other day when I saw her Ad pop up and I was really impressed

3. So I decided to ask her about it.

4. The strategies I shared in the course worked for her and she has not even tried all the targeting options yet.

This training has recorded a huge success for my students. My sales driven “COMBO” strategy is the absolute TRUTH you really do not want to miss out on. 

More reviews from smart bakers…

If you're still reading, then you must have some questions...

Question 1: "After payment has been made, when will the training begin?"

Ans: You’ll be sent a calendar to select convenient days and time for your training. Once payment is completed at any time of the day even if it is 1am at midnight, you will receive immediate access to pick dates for your training sessions.

Question 2: "How long will the training last?"

Ans: It is a 3-day intensive 1:1 video training. Besides the video call sessions, relevant materials will aslo be shared.

Question 3: "Where is the venue for the training?"

Ans: Training sessions will hold via Google Meet.

Question 4: "Can I use my phone?"

Ans: Yes, you can join the training with your  phone, tablet or PC.  Everything you will learn can also be practiced using any kind of smart device.

Question 5: "I have attended so many Ad classes in the past that did not yield any result. So what makes this one different?"

Ans: Other Ad classes you have attended only talk about creating Ads for businesses in general. However, this training focuses on Ad targeting for bakers. The strategies in this training are specifically curated for baking businesses alone. All the Ads targeting option have been tested and proven to work for bakers.

Question 6: "I don't know anything about running Facebook and Instagram ads, will this course be easy for me to understand?"

Ans: Yes, the training is beginner friendly, simple to follow and easy to understand. Also, I am always available to answer your questions.

Question 7: "What is the guarantee that I will get clients after taking this training?"

Ans: The 1:1 Facebook and Instagram Ads training for bakers is an absolute game changer. If you apply all that I will show you in this training consistently, you will also be sending in your testimonial just like my students very soon

Question 8: "What if I have more questions after the training, how do I contact you?"

Ans: There is a support channel available for questions. I am always ready to respond to my clients and students whenever my attention is needed.

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Jacqueline Okonko. I am a Web Designer, a digital marketer and a Hobby baker 

I handle the techy side of your baking business, while you focus on baking yummy treats.

I am the smartest baking business coach on the internet today…you think it’s a lie? Then check out the testimonials below to see what cake businesses like yours are saying.

This Site Is Not A Part Of The Facebook Website Or Facebook Inc. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary.


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