
As a baker, if you are not currently running Ads on any social media platform...YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPAND YOUR CUSTOMER BASE

She was skeptical at first

But eventually, she decided to give it a try. A few days later, she ran her first Ad. I totally love action takers!

And then comes my favourite part…THE RESULTS!

You want to get more orders for your baking business through Fbk & IG Ads but…

1. You have never sold online before and you have no idea how to go about it.

2. You have tried running Ads several times but none was profitable and you are afraid to try again

3. You have attended several FBK & IG Ad classes which were not so helpful because none of them addressed targeting for bakers.

4. You paid someone to setup your Ads Targeting for you and that too did not work

I feel your pain sweet baker. I want you to get your own share of the large volume of customers ready to buy baked products online

Which is why I am here to show you exactly how to create profitable Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Ads specifically designed to grow your customer base


The Facebook & Instagram Ads Course For Bakers is a step by step easy to follow course specifically designed for bakers. This course would work for you even if you do not know anything about Ads.

It will help you put your business in the face of your prospective clients everyday using my SALES DRIVEN COMBO Strategy

How To Create And Save Your Target Audience The Right Way

Audience Targeting For Lead Generation

Audience Targeting for birthday celebrants and their friends

Audience Targeting for wedding cakes and anniversaries

Audience targeting to reach people who live abroad

Audience Targeting to reach beginner bakers

Audience Targeting to reach experienced bakers

How to exclude time wasters and unserious people from your target audience

How to target rich people that can afford to buy your baked products

Introduction To Facebook And Instagram Ads

How To Create A Facebook Page

How To Optimize Your Facebook Page For Visibility

How To Link Your WhatsApp Business and IG Page To FBK

How To Get Your Facebook Page Link

How To Setup A Prepaid Ad Account

How To Access Facebook Ads Manager With A Mobile Phone

The Ads Manager Mobile App (Meta Ads Manager)

Ad Manager Overview + Facebook Ad Objectives For Bakers

How To Check What Kind Of Ads Other Cake Businesses Are Running

Live Ad Creation From Facebook Ads Manager

An Overview Of How The Live Ad Performed

Live Instagram Ad creation from Facebook ads manager

How To Create Ads The Right Way Via Instagram App

WhatsApp Marketing

How To Recover Your Disabled Ad Account

How To Chat With Facebook Support

Exclusive Direct Access To Me Whenever You Need Assistance

The Facebook & Instagram Ads Course For Bakers Goes For

Price: $7 (Today's price)

The next time you see this page, the price would actually become $25

N3000 / 60 GH


60 GH

Pay 60gh to the momo account below

Adekanye Nnoye Udomaka

After payment, send your name and proof of payment to +2348064535834 on WhatsApp. 

You will be given access to the Advanced Google Marketing course immediately after payment confirmation



Click the red button below to get payment details via WhatsApp

You will be given access to the Advanced Google Marketing course immediately after payment confirmation




Pay to the account details below:


Account Number: 0295744239

Bank: GTB

Account Name: Jacqueline Okonko


Are you in Nigeria, Ghana, US, UK, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, UAE, Zambia, Cameroon or Uganda?

Fonis Cakes n More Wanted More People To Sign Up For Her Doughnuts Class

When she signed up for the Ads course for bakers, Fonis Cakes n More explained what she wanted to achieve with her Ad

I advised her accordingly and she went ahead to run the Ads herself with the tips I gave her

The Ad performed well and she got 21 payments as at the time of our conversation

She also grew her WhatsApp list by 100 contacts that would eventually buy from her later

Meet Neemah’s Cakery. I saw her beautiful Ad on FBK and I decided to ask her about it…

She was skeptical at first, but eventally decided to give it a try

I was browsing through Facebook the other day when I saw her Ad pop up and I was really impressed

So I decided to ask her about it

The strategies I shared in the course worked for her and she has not even tried all the targeting options yet

This course has a recorded a huge success for my students. If you leave this page now, you may not see it again… the next time you see it, the price would actually become $25

If you're still reading, then you must have some questions...

Question 1: "When will the The Facebook & Instagram Ads Course begin after making payment?"

*Ans*: Immediately!
You’ll get instant access to the entire course once your payment has been confirmed. The videos are already waiting for you. However, the $7 price would not wait for you. The price goes back to $25 soon. Take advantage of the discounted price now!

Question 2: "Is it only Facebook and Instagram, how about Whatsapp Ads?"

*Ans:* In the Ads course for bakers, you will learn how to run Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Ads.

Question 3: "Where is the venue for the course?"

*Ans:* The course is hosted on my website where you can easily access the videos at all times.

Question 4: "Can I use my phone?"

*Ans:* Yes, you can access the course on your phone, tablet or PC. Everything you will learn can also be practiced using any kind of smart device

Question 5: "I have attended so many Ad classes in the past that did not yield any result. So what makes this one different?"

*Ans:* Other Ad classes you have attended only talk about creating Ads for businesses in general. However, this course focuses on Ad targeting for bakers. The strategies in this course are specifically curated for baking businesses alone. All the Ads targeting option have been tested and proven to work for bakers.

Question 6: "I am unable to pay for my previous Ads, FBK keeps declining or rejecting my cards and I cannot create new Ads due to the outstanding bill. How can you help me?"

*Ans:* You are unable to pay for your Ads because you are using a postpaid Ad account. I will show you how to create a new prepaid Ad account that allows you pay for your Ads with any local naira bank card.

Question 7: "I don't know anything about running Facebook and Instagram ads, will this course be easy for me to understand?"

*Ans:* Yes, the course is beginner friendly. All the video lectures are step by step, simple to follow and easy to understand. Also, I am always available to answer your questions.

Question 8: "I have never made any sale online before, will this Ad thing work for me?"

*Ans:* Yes. If you carefully implement all the the strategies in this course you will not only make sale, you will also grow your customer base

Question 9: "Is there a deadline to access the course? What if I am busy now can I still access the lectures later?"

*Ans:* After payment, you can access the course anytime you want. It stays with you forever so you can learn at your own pace even if you have a busy schedule. But first you need to take advantage of the discounted offer, price would increase after now

Question 10: "I paid someone to do Ads Targeting for me but it is not working. How can you help me?"

*Ans:* I am so sorry about your experience. However, Facebook and Instagram Ads targeting for bakers works very differently from other businesses. Most times you are targeting your competitors and unserious people. My Advice would be that you sign up for the Ads course for bakers to learn how to set your target audience yourself.

Question 11: "What if I have more questions, how do I contact you?"

*Ans:* I am always available to respond to my students whenever my attention is needed.

You will also get access to a closed members only Facebook group for full support.

Question 12: "What is the guarantee that I will get clients after taking this course?"

*Ans:* The Facebook and Instagram Ads course for bakers is an absolute game changer. If you apply all that I will show you in this course consistently, you will also be sending in your testimonial just like my students very soon

At this point you may not know it, but you have only 2 options…

OPTION 1: You can leave this page now, run to google and try to figure this out on your own or even pay someone to get your targeting done for you. But here is what will happen…

You won’t be able to target your audience  the right way because You have no idea how my sales driven “COMBO STRATEGY” works for Ads targeting

When you can’t find the information, you will come back looking for this page, by then the $7 price will be long gone, the price would become $25

Which would bring you back to making the same mistakes that brought you 0 orders and NO clients.

Is that what you really want for your business?


OPTION 2: You can take advantage of this discount right now…

Join over 100 + smart bakers who are ready to take their businesses to the next level

These days, you get to to spend so much on internet data connection every month. What if you sacrifice this little amount to learn how to grow your business better?

See what some of my students have to say...

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Jacqueline also known as techyybaker. I am a Web Designer, a digital marketer and a Hobby baker 

I teach bakers like you how to make sales for their baking business using simple and easy to use online tools.

I am the smartest baking business coach on the internet today…you think it’s a lie? Then check out the testimonials below to see what cake businesses like yours are saying.

My sales driven “COMBO” strategy is the absolute TRUTH you really do not want to miss out on. 

As a baker, if you are not currently running Ads on any social media platform...YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPAND YOUR CUSTOMER BASE

These are the steps she took that brought in the results she really wanted to see in her business

Step 1: She was skeptical at first.

Step 2: Eventually, she gave it a try, applied what she had learnt ran her first Ad. Wow! I totally love action takers.

Step 3: And then came my favourite part. The Results!

You want to get more orders for your baking business through Fbk & IG Ads but…

Even if…

1. You are an established baker

2. A beginner baker

3. Or you are transitioning from being a hobby baker into a full fledged cake business owner…

I feel your pain sweet baker. I want you to get your own share of the large volume of customers ready to buy baked products online

Which is why I am here to show you exactly how to create profitable Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Ads specifically designed to grow your customer base

The Cake Pricing
Course goes for

Current price: $7

You ought to charge your worth!

How would you feel if you could get clients to pay you what your bakes are actually worth?
I sold a box of 6 cupcakes for 70 cedis. Sometime back, I would have agreed to the clients plea to pay 60 or 65 cedis. This time I stood my grounds and offered to give her 2 extra cupcakes instead. Thank you so much
When you know the facts and figures behind your pricing, it takes all of the fear and doubt away.
You did a very amazing job with everything. It’s very detailed and easy to understand. Some of the questions I jotted down to ask, you answered them in the subsequent videos. Weldone and God bless you.
Nana's Cakes N Treats
Often people are unsure of their pricing because they are picking a number out of thin air, looking at their competitors or guesstimating what it will cost them to produce.
You are God sent and thank you so much. I have learnt how to price my cake better and also how to communicate and keep my customers coming back
Once you have calculated exactly how long it takes, precisely how much your ingredients are and you’ve nailed down your indirect cost, labour cost and profit, you can no longer question yourself. It’s there in black and white!
"Hi Jacqueline, thanks so much for the pricing calculator. It helps me a lot and makes my work easier. I am truly enjoying my calculator, you really are a baker's life saver. Love you."
Chisom Queen

The Question Now Is:

1. Are you ready to feel relaxed and confident about what you charge for your cakes?
2. Are you ready to learn how to set and Smash Your income goals for your baking business?
3. Are you ready to learn how to turn “I will get back to you” and “I can get it cheaper elsewhere” to “How do I make payment”?


This contains a simple to use pricing calculator template, editable spreadsheets, e-guides and video tutorials to take you through everything you need to know about effective pricing for your baking business step-by-step.



Cake Pricing Pro is laid out in a series of short lessons. Each with a tutorial video and spreadsheet making the whole process an absolute breeze to follow.

Calculate the exact price of ingredients needed for a particular order or recipe for example: how much does 500g of flour cost for an 8” cake?. This spreadsheet allows you to input ingredient prices, then add your total cost of ingredients needed for each product you make.


Determine Indirect cost, labour cost and percentage profit. You will know exactly how to charge for your time spent, rent, cost of maintaining your baking equipments etc


Calculator which allows you automatically calculate your Starting cake price, %Profit and Actual Cake Cost. You only need to input three values (Cost of ingredients, Labour cost and indirect cost) and the rest will be done for you. 


Calculator which allows you automatically calculate your Starting cake price, %Profit and Actual Cake Cost for other products like: bread, fruit juices, cookies, parfaits, cake slices, doughnuts, chin-chin and other desserts.


How To Pay Yourself As A Baker:

You will learn how to pay yourself as a baker. Enough of putting personal and business income together. It is time to separate your business from your personal life.

Here’s what bakers like you are saying…
I just finished the cake pricing course and all I can say is thank you so much cos this course is an eye opener. The course is worth more than the amount paid to be honest.
The calculator is super easy to use though! Even for those who don't know how excel works, and it takes the hassle of plenty math away

The Cake Pricing
Course goes for

Current price: $7




Pay to the account details below:


Account Number: 0295744239

Bank: GTB

Account Name: Okonko Jacqueline Emmanuel.


If you're still reading, then you must have some questions...

Question 1: "When will I receive the course after making payment?"

*Ans*: You’ll get instant access to the entire course, including your bonus. Once payment is completed at any time of the day even if it is 1am at midnight, you will receive immediate access to the course.

Question 2: "Will the pricing calculator work for other baked products?"

*Ans:* Yes, the pricing calculator works perfectly for all baked goods including Cakes, cupcakes, doughnuts, parfaits, meatpie etc

Question 3: "Can i edit the pricing calculator?"

*Ans:* The pricing calculator can be duplicated and edited to suit you business needs. I have created simple easy to follow videos to guide you

Question 4: "Can i use my phone?"

*Ans:* Yes, you can access the course on your phone, tablet or PC.  Everything you will learn can also be practiced using any kind of smart device.

Question 5: Does it matter what currency I use?

*Ans:* Not at all! I have not included currency anywhere within Cake Pricing templates. As long as you input the values in your preferred currency, you will get the correct figures and values.

Question 6: "Is there a deadline to access the course? What if I am busy now can I still access the lectures later?"

*Ans:* After payment, you can access the course anytime you want. It stays with you forever so you can learn at your own pace even if you have a busy schedule. But first you need to take advantage of the discounted offer now because the price would increase after now

Question 7: I’ve never used spreadsheets before, can I get some help?

*Ans:* There is a video tutorial for each of the spreadsheets. I walk you though how to open the files, how to make changes and add in your own information.

Question 8: "What if I have more questions, how do I contact you?"

*Ans:* There is a support channel available for questions. I am always ready to respond to my clients and students whenever my attention is needed.
More reviews from smart bakers…
I don't know how to express my joy over the CAKE PRICING CALCULATOR. All the newbies in this industry need this. The video is Well Explained and the templates very easy to understand.
Ma'am, your Template is so easy to use and we'll detailed. Thank you for not holding back.
Everything is falling into place as it should be. I am happy doing my cake pricing unlike before Thank you so much!
Ugomary Baker
These days, you get to to spend so much on internet data connection every month. What if you sacrifice this little amount to learn how to grow your business better?

You may not see this page again! Even if you do, by then the price would have changed to $25. Take advantage of the $7 promo price while you still can!

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Jacqueline Okonko. I am a Web Designer, a digital marketer and a Hobby baker 

I handle the techy side of your baking business, while you focus on baking yummy treats.

I am the smartest baking business coach on the internet today…you think it’s a lie? Then check out the testimonials below to see what cake businesses like yours are saying.

This Site Is Not A Part Of The Facebook Website Or Facebook Inc. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary.


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This Site Is Not A Part Of The Facebook Website Or Facebook Inc. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary.


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